Muscle Clicker 2

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About Muscle Clicker 2

The sequel to the enjoyable and exciting sports game that a lot of people enjoy playing is called Muscle Clicker 2.
By completing this game's task, you will continue to assist your character in participating in sports and gaining weight. To construct a foundation for your account, you will be required to engage in a variety of activities. Among these are aerobics and weightlifting. It is possible to get experience and earn money by engaging in physical activity that involves the use of weights and simulators, as well as stimulants, to enhance strength and endurance. There are opportunities to level up your legs, arms, and stamina as you proceed through the game's levels. Additionally, as you advance in rank, your base will expand. To feel the excitement of accomplishing new fitness objectives, tap and push yourself beyond the limitations you have set for yourself. Through the utilization of offline instruction and exploits, you can develop into an educational specialist.
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