Color Tunnel

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About Color Tunnel

A free online unlimited looping arcade game called Color Tunnel is quite popular and is enjoyed by many players.
In order to escape the game's network of tunnels intact, your goal is to navigate your vehicle through it without colliding or losing control. In order to move through the gaps at such a fast speed and stay clear of any obstructions, you will need to be able to move very quickly. After overcoming the initial obstacles, you will discover that you are now on several courses, each of which presents a different set of difficulties. You must conquer each of these obstacles if you want to finish the course. To help you comprehend the challenges you confront, they will be highlighted in magenta color. In order to prevent any potential collisions, it is imperative to keep a sharp eye out and move to the borders of the road.
Let's compete against each other to determine who wins this game.

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